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Place of Remembrance Planning Framework

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September 28, 2023 -- At the Tuesday, September 26, 2023 meeting of the Committee of the Whole, the Highland Park City Council continued its discussion for moving forward with the framework for the planning process of the Place of Remembrance, which will pay tribute to those who whose lives were taken and to the community’s resilient spirit. Building on the Council’s previous conversations and a review of approaches undertaken by other communities locally and globally from Mayor Nancy Rotering, Council member Annette Lidawer, and City Manager Ghida Neukirch, City Councilmembers reiterated the need for sensitive and compassionate deliberation and underscored the importance of continued outreach and public engagement. The City of Highland Park remains committed to implementing a trauma-informed approach to the planning process, incorporating expert feedback and best practices.

The Place of Remembrance will have three primary objectives:

  • Create a place(s) for reflection, remembrance, and solace
  • Pay tribute to the memory of the seven victims
  • Honor the community’s resiliency, especially those who were injured

These objectives are based on research into the purpose of memorial sites and their role in long-term individual and community resilience. Studies show that memorial sites should be understood from an individual and collective perspective, and that they must also be conceptualized with a view towards the present and future post-traumatic needs of all who were directly impacted – and those who were not. The term “Place of Remembrance” is thus recommended because it emphasizes that this space will continue to be one of active remembrance, not just for today, but for future community members and the greater public.

Planning for the Place of Remembrance is anticipated to be a multi-year, transparent process, undertaken by a working group of the Mayor, a designated City Council member, the City Manager, the City’s Resiliency Manager, and the Executive Director of the Park District of Highland Park. The group will follow the City’s existing public meeting structure and will be tasked with providing for multiple avenues of public input and feedback that will be communicated throughout the process.