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Winter Tree Pruning 

Winter Tree Pruning

Routine tree pruning is an important component of Highland Park’s tree maintenance program. To maintain a routine pruning cycle, the City is divided into eight districts with each district containing approximately the same number of trees. Each Winter (typically in February & March), parkway trees within one of these regions are pruned. Parkway tree pruning is conducted according to ANSI A300 Standards to maintain tree health and to provide necessary clearance for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. 

Trees to be pruned are all situated within the City’s rights-of-way adjacent to streets and other public lands. All work will be done to improve and maintain the health and quality of the trees and to assure the safety and accessibility of streets and sidewalks within Highland Park.

2020 Routine Pruning Map

Tree Pruning Regions;

More Information
If you have any questions concerning the work or contractors, please contact City Forester, Ben Miller at 847.432.0807.